Saturday, March 26, 2011

Good and Bad...again

I think we are now at the eleventh or twelveth week.  Overall things are going smoothly.  I am getting better at doing her exercises every day.  H. continues to be fairly calm at home and have a decent attitude toward homework (though we haven't had much this week due to standardized testing).  She still continues to forget things at school.
The good news: H has found a series of books that she loves (Rainbow Fairy Magic) and is devouring them.  They aren't complicated books, but neither are they "Biscuit".  Sometimes she reads two a day.  This is huge for a girl who up to this point never voluntarily picked up a book.  She has probably read about 20 of the books so far, and it has piqued her interest in reading enough that the other day she picked up a very big fantasy book about dragons.  I was amazed.  And then she proceeded to read the first chapter.  That is all she has done so far, but again it is huge for her.  She would have never even looked at a book that big before.
The therapist had told us that H is not storing information in the same side of her brain where most of the processing of information occurs.  She told us this is part of the reason H has trouble with reading.  Some of the exercises we do are supposed to correct that.  In light of this recent interest in reading, I have to wonder if her brain is now working a little better?
The bad news: Though H has made huge strides at home and in school in self control, apparently that is not carrying over much to situations where I (or a teacher) am not present.  From her scout leader I have found out that she tends to act out alot, like she is trying to gain attention all the time.  I don't know what to do, other than keep at the exercises and hope that eventually it will spread to more areas of her life.  I must say, we have the best, most loving, supportive and patient scout leaders ever!
Keep praying for us!

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