Sunday, May 22, 2011

Life after another (therapy) change

About 2 weeks ago we had another therapy evaluation, and another change of exercises.  The new therapy is going pretty well, though I keep misplacing either the Blink game or the Bop it game.  H's least favorite is still the crawling.  But she has kept a good attitude about it all.
However, today was as close to a disaster as we have seen for a while.  She woke up emotional, and stayed that way.  Anything that went wrong got a response way beyond what it deserved.  It all cumulated at Sunday School, where she was not allowed to eat a cookie right away but had to take it home to save for a non-school night (which is my standard procedure).  She was unhappy, but okay with it (I thought).  Then when my back was turned, she took a bite.  For that I told her she had permanently lost the cookie.  We then had a 30 minute cry fest, at which point she cried herself to sleep for a two hour nap.  After she woke up she was better, but still unable to sit still and still liable to over-react.
I realized later tonight that she does tend to have one melt down at some point after every therapy change.  I hope that is the reason for all this.  And I hope that means we won't have another one anytime soon.
So is there a silver lining in this cloud?  I suppose it could be that the crying fest was only 30 minutes, instead of hours.  And that it only happened once today.  And that she seems normal tonight.  It certainly has been worse in the past.  But that is a pretty thin lining.  It is the only one I can find tonight though.

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