Wednesday, November 30, 2011

better and better

Today H's teacher told me that her behaviour has been very good at school.  She is getting all of her work done on time and is sitting in her seat and following directions.  She is also writing down her assignments like she is supposed to (and which she couldn't seem to do at the beginning of school).  Of course I was thrilled to hear this.  And it was a nice bit of encouragement since I have felt like we had hit another plateau.  We do the exercises from the therapist (neuroplasticity) every day and it is a bit tiring.  And for the past month I had not seen any changes in her behaviour (though I am thankful there are no changes for the worst).  Apparently all of the changes were happening at school.  It has given me the boost I need to keep doing this every day, even when I am worn out.
It is definately worth it.

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